Sunday, January 8, 2012

Please interpret my dream :)?

Okay so I don't remember ALL of the dream, but I remember enough to get the gist. Here it is: Alright so I was at my house and I remember seeing this boy, and suddenly I knew that he was my soul-mate. I thought how could I not know!! Then, it was my birthday and my friends had all made this brilliant creation in the sky saying Happy Birthday, and the whole world could see it. I thanked everyone and I remember hugging three boys all dressed the same, except in different colors. Then the dream flashed to my room. My soul-mate-guy had an explosive of some-sort and he threw it out the window. He told me to get away quickly, and guarded me from the explosion. The explosion killed 13 people and when he held me I thought, "How could I love this boy? He's a killer!" But that didn't matter because he was my one true-love and I loved him unconditionally. I don't remember that much but I remember we were going to wed. I was much too young, but still, we were getting married. He was very rich, I remember comparing him to Edward Cullen, and he would get me a nice ring... I think something happened, or it was a quick planned wedding, but I woke up before we could get married. Please help me interpret it! Thanks :)

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