Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life is unfair to me? What can i do? Its not that simple...?

I was abused too as a child, and learn to deal with it and have a happy life. Don't give up yet. The most important thing is to deal with the problem, and make a little progress everyday with your goals. You might never solve the past completely, but you can be happy if you learn to grow as a person.

How does someone search real estate ads for mother-in-law quarters?

Have an agent do the search. On the MLS you search for Residential/2 or more homes. They can knock off the duplexes easy enough. Condos will not show up.

Proper Way To Clean...?

Hello, I was just wondering what would be a proper way to clean out my pet birds water dish... Its slimy, I don't want to use soap or chemicals, would letting it run under VERY hot water remove this and be enough to disinfect without soap or chemicals? Thanks guys!

Smokers, do you think a mini-cigarette would be a good idea?

yea its a good idea,but the problem here is that we might not get the same nicotine amount like we want , so wed end up smoking 40 instead of 20 lol

What does this mean not hearing the heartbeat?

My sister is between 6-8 weeks along. She went to the doctor's the other day and they did a sonogram but they went up inside of her. The doctor said that she didn't hear a heartbeat or anything and thinks that the baby maybe dead. Do you think it maybe to early to hear the heartbeat or what?

Guys if you knew a girl liked you in the end would you be nice to her?

Ok If you've known someone as a semi friend acquaintance for about 1 year and a half. You've flirted before but backed off when she flirted back. Stared at her lips and chest several times. But sometimes avoided her and other times still stared at her. You're are now moving away from this job. moving and will never see her again would you finally just act sweet to her. I was always so sweet to this guy but he's 23 and I'm 35. Sometimes he acted like he liked me, even the day before he left he ped me and tapped me on the shoulder. But the last day when he was leaving he couldn't even say good bye to me. From a distance in a really low voice he said see ya and my name. Was he that repulsed by me that he couldn't even say goodbye?

What are your opinions (pics)?

Yeah, sure, why not? This shirt will accentuate those large, broad chests! =D and me likey that way. Even better, unon the first few ons on top. If you feel hot, you can always fold the sleeves and look totally business-casual hot!

What did I do wrong in this situation?

(I'm Alyssa) I was sitting next to my crush in cl and I scooted a little bit away from him to talk to my friend.Then he scooted away a bit and then I did again. We seemed to just be pretending to move away from eachother. But then he said, "Oh I guess I should move since Alyssa doesn't seem to want me around her." and then got mad and stopped talking to me for awhile. Later he was normal. I just want to kno what I did wrong. What did i do to make him mad? i dont want to do it again

Why do the Republicans want the troops to stay in Iraq and die?

No one has proven that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11 or terrorism, but the only reason shrub dumbyah gives now for being there is "to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here." Shrub, the Sunnis are NOT coming here from Bagdhad. The 9-11 guys were from SAUDI ARABIA.

Anybody Know anyplace Besides Myspace, Youtube, Or anything like that where iCan Put my music for free?

iNeed aNew Source to put my music so iCan get more Listeners and people to Hear. iF there iS anyplace, Or Anybody that can hear my music and help contact me pronto please. ;] thankz.

I must be doing something wrong when I work out?

Sounds like you have had alot of health issues. I would check with your doctor before you start anything serious. But your not going to see any results with 5 lb. weights. You've already maxed out on 5 lbs. If your looking to build muscle, then look into getting a gym membership. Building muscle requires you to lift as much weight as your body let you. Also having a high protein diet is key. Eating protein right after you work out helps build muscles (protein shake). Hope this helps

If god is such a great role model how come we don't crucify people regularly or force people to hell?

He's a good role model bc he let that happen to HIMSELF. He denied himself for the sake of others instead of accusing and persecuting them.

What could be causing my dogs coughing?

My american eskimo (12 years old) started with a dry cough a few weeks ago. After a few days we took her to the vet. First they said it was probably allergies, so they gave her an antihistamine and tussigon to help the cough. However neither worked and she continued coughing like before. We took the dog back, got an x-ray and blood work, and they said her heart was slightly enlarged but nothing that indicated it would cause the coughing. the vet though she saw something in the dogs bronchial tubes so she gave us meds for bronchitis. When that didn't do a thing we took the dog back and got meds for heart disease. The dog has been on those for 4 days now and is coughing just as much as before. The vet said shes out of ideas and we need to see a specialist. Which will likely cost me hundreds of more dollars on top of the hundreds ive already spent for zero results. She coughs mostly at night and when shes getting up from laying down. The dog eats fine and is actually at her best when we go for walks. What else could be the problem?

Should i get quail guinea or peasants?

I have chickens and my coop is not full. I want to get something different than chickens. Should i get quail guinea or peasants. Which one is best compatible with my chickens? witch is easiest? please help

(Girls only ) pleasee?

I naturally have a bra on 24/7 (only because I don't feel comfortable without it, a habit I started when I began wearing regular bras and sports bras.) Anyway, I don't think you can stop the drooping. I don't like the fact that mine are drooping (still in the teens). I think that sometimes it may be the genes. My mom's side for example, they all seem to droop. Don't worry about it so much though, get a good bra with the right support system. It'll keep them propped up the right way.

If science cannot understand what causes a simple cold then why?

Do doctors and medical personnel that lurk in the shadows of this section think they know all there is about alternative medicine. I mean they can't even cure the common cold and never tell you how you can improve your immune system, so that your body will be strong enough to fight off these diseases. Can it be that if they were to give you this info they would lose repeat customers and a whole lot of money? Eat right, Excercise and take needed supplements that have been depleted in our food by over farming and you will be strong as a horse! What's your thoughts on this subject?

Is It Worth It?

I've been with this guy for 2 years and 4 months. He's a great guy, good provider, has his moments where he's funny and charming and what not...but those moments are few and far between and most of the time, I feel like I'm in a relationship with a 4 year old. He's also very needy and clingy, and I'm not that type of girl...I need my space and time for myself. And just today, I had my foot hanging off of the side of the couch, and he grabbed it and BIT my Achilles Tendon (which I already have problems with)....Problem is, I really do love him and I don't want to hurt him. What to do?

Question about the story "Young Goodman Brown".?

A theme in the story "Young Goodman Brown" is the weakness of public morality. Please describe how Hawthorne demonstrates this theme throughout the story...

Where do I get terra catta in my sims wii?

please tell me where to go to get terra catta (not sure i spelled that right) in my sims wii i need it for the librarian

Poll! Did you ever notice this about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

How many people notice(d) that during the credits of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they kill the bird? (the one from the Island of Misfit Toys who swims, instead of flies)

Has anyone else noticed,we are NOT a government "of", or "for" the people but a government of personal agenda.

Forget Bush, he's a JOKE. I'm talking ARNOLD. California ranks 46th out of 50 in education. Are we going for 50?, seems like it. ARE WE GOING TO LET ARNIE DO THAT? Recently the state senate aproved 5.5 million dollars to install cameras in 300 police cars. Thats $18,500 DOLLARS per car. What kind of IDIOTS do we have in the senate?, AND, WHY? Its beyond pathetic, and they want to increase police to a million in L.A. alone. As if thats going to reduce crime, in the meantime, Arnie, wants, nothing more, than closing schools, and the laying off, of tens of thousands of teachers. While prison construction is at a record pace. Lets recap, more cops,rediculous spending on useless equipment, who the hell is stupid enough to spend $18,500 for a video camera? That is an insult to everyones inteligence, except maybe the people that approved it,(no brain,no pain), more prisons, less education, and then they will have to cut even more to schools for more courthouses, see where this is going?

My teeth don't show when I talk.?

Well, without seeing you, it's hard to say which area is giving you the biggest problem. There are several options for lengthening your smile. You can have veneers or crowns, sometimes cosmetic bonding, and they can reduce your upper lip at a surgeon's office if that is what is necessary. The only bummer is that most of these procedures are very expensive and not covered by insurance. But then again, you carry your smile around with you everywhere you go.I would talk to your parents (if you're still living at home) about setting up a dental appointment. That never hurts anyway, and I'm sure he would be happy to guide you in the direction you'd need to go to get the smile you want. Good luck!

Photo Ops in Syracuse NY?

What are some cool looking, interesting, and/or beautiful places around Syracuse NY that I can go and take pictures at?


I know that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live their life in peace. There are a few extremists in all religions. I can not help but think the world would be a better place without them.

A good place to Direct Download Gintama in avi?

a href="" rel="nofollow" has direct download from episode 21 to 59 (and the site is going to add other episodes when the subs are ready). It has also the OVA in direct download.

Anybody read Marley and Me? i've cried for an hour finishing it this morning......?

As the owner of a beautiful 14month old labrador that has done everything from scaling a 6 foot gate to escape to stealing babies nappies so he could sit in the sun to eat the pooh out of them....i have laughed till i cryed and then just sobbed and cryed at this wonderfully told story of what life with a lab is like........any thoughts on the book.....or lab tales? x

Should i qet back wit my ex even tho he cheated ?

so i was wit this quy for like a year && he had cheated on me buh i forqave him yet he was still kinda flirtin wit other females so we broke up && now he wanna qo back wit me buh i dunno if i should take him back .

How to make a C++ program that converts numbers into roman numerals?

The same way you make a C++ program to do anything. Start out with either pseudo-code or a flowchart. Then figure out what data structures you're going to use (you can skip that for a problem this simple). Then plan out the functions. Then code the functions. Then write the main function. Then test. Then debug.

Some songs on my iPhone won't sync?

I just updated my iPhone and I noticed that some EPs and Albums didn't sync (even though they had been on my iPhone previously). I have the iPhone 3gs with the new iPhone 4 updated on it. If you can help that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

How long does it take for a hickey to go away ?

So I let this boy that im pretty close to give me one but it hasn't gone away yet and my parents don't know anything about it i been covering it with my hair . It's been like a day and a half since i first got it .

Can someone proofread my Frankenstein Essay?

Is Corsodyl available in Canada?

My sister, who lives in London, tells me that whenever her tonsils start bothering her she gargles with Corsodyl and goes to bed. The next morning, her tonsils are fine. Since big tonsils run in our family, we have a lot of throat infections. Is it available by any other name in Canada?

Thurston staying at the Cowboys?

I think the Cowboys have paid over the odds for Thurston and it looks like that old chestnut "I will go to Rugby if I don't get more money" has worked again. Sure he's a good player but he hasn't delivered them a premiership so far, he's getting more and more injury prone as he gets older and he defends like a turnstile because of his dodgy shoulders. Why is this such good news for Rugby League?

How likely am I to find a gent when I am ready to start dating?

Hi Alexis! You are much more likely to meet gentlemen if you hang out where gentlemen hang out. If you go to bars, you will meet about a couple of billion creeps for every gentleman. You seem very mature. Make good decisions and dress like a lady instead of like the majority of girls your age who dress like hookers. Your personality will make lots of friends for you. Hold out for gentlemen and you will be more likely to find one. I am a gentleman. I have been divorced for seven years. I have held out for a lady. My girlfriend has held out for a gentleman. She is 50 and has never married. She is a successful graphic designer and is very beautiful. She has a fabulous personality and such grace and elegance. I take her out to the Symphony and Ballet and Art Galleries and the Theatre. We have a wonderful time together. Find a guy who will do things like I do with my Lady and you will be much more likely to have a gentleman to accompany you. We are also Church going people. A guy who is a regular, committed Church going guy is more likely to be a gentleman. I hope you have all your dreams fulfilled! You sound like a dream girl to me! My Lady and I are both born in February, she on the 2nd, me on the 26th. Perhaps if you find a February guy, you will have the kind of realtionship we have! My best to you!

Wtf dose this word mean?

im hereing the word hipster a lot now. someone even said i looked hipsterish wtf i dont think skinny jeans and my sky eats air plan shirt makes me look like a hipster

Good diet plan for a guy?

Alright. I've been working out hard for quite a bit of time, and am happy with the results. I'm about 200 lbs., but at 6'1 I'm pretty slim from the side. The only problem are my obliques, which continue to remain unchanged despite the development of my abs and chest. I read that a good diet along with the exercise can help get rid of my slight love handle problem, but most diets I found are for women. Can someone give me a good calorie count for an 18 year old with my stats?