Friday, January 6, 2012

|| Atheists: What do you think of "Pascal's Wager"? ||?

Pascal's Wager fails on every front. It umes a false dichotomy where there are only two possible choices, God or no God. If those were the only two options, then he'd be right and that would be the better bet, but that's not the case. It doesn't matter which religion you are, by submitting to one based on Pascal's Wager, you're opening yourself up to the consequences of a plethora of other religions and denominations. You become susceptible to every form of punishment ever conjured up in the name of any other religion that isn't yours, based on the possibility that you might be wrong. If Allah is God, then then every other (non)religious person, regardless of acts, is doomed. If Yahweh is God, then every non-Christian is screw and even some of the other Christian faiths, like Mormons possibly. It's faulty logic from beginning to end.

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