Saturday, December 31, 2011

Has anyone else noticed,we are NOT a government "of", or "for" the people but a government of personal agenda.

Forget Bush, he's a JOKE. I'm talking ARNOLD. California ranks 46th out of 50 in education. Are we going for 50?, seems like it. ARE WE GOING TO LET ARNIE DO THAT? Recently the state senate aproved 5.5 million dollars to install cameras in 300 police cars. Thats $18,500 DOLLARS per car. What kind of IDIOTS do we have in the senate?, AND, WHY? Its beyond pathetic, and they want to increase police to a million in L.A. alone. As if thats going to reduce crime, in the meantime, Arnie, wants, nothing more, than closing schools, and the laying off, of tens of thousands of teachers. While prison construction is at a record pace. Lets recap, more cops,rediculous spending on useless equipment, who the hell is stupid enough to spend $18,500 for a video camera? That is an insult to everyones inteligence, except maybe the people that approved it,(no brain,no pain), more prisons, less education, and then they will have to cut even more to schools for more courthouses, see where this is going?

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